Experienced, Esteemed And Ready To Defend

Protecting Your License From DWI Charges

According to the South Dakota Department of Public Safety, 28 people die from drunk drivers in our country every day, and one-third of every traffic fatality involves a drunk driver. Considering how dangerous drunk drivers are, South Dakota courts take these charges seriously, and so should you.

At Walter Law Office, we have been proudly serving the people of South Dakota for more than 30 years. Over those years, we have provided every client who has come into our Sioux Falls office the respect and judgment-free representation they deserve from their criminal defense attorneys. We are ready to offer you the same.

Fighting For Your Future

After decades of helping clients protect their best interests in these cases, I have become fluent in South Dakota’s laws surrounding driving while intoxicated (DWI). For example, a person can be charged with DWI for simply being in control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated. This law means that even sitting in the driver’s seat of a car with the keys in the ignition while intoxicated is enough to be charged with DWI.

A DWI conviction may not seem like a serious problem if it is your first offense and no one was hurt and nothing was damaged, but even a first conviction can have more complications than you intended. Multiple convictions for a DUI make the chances of beating future charges even harder, and the sentencing for repeat convictions is even worse. With your future at stake with even a first offense, you need to be sure you are properly fighting your charges.

At my firm, Walter Law Office, we take the time to develop a custom-tailored representation plan for each client based on the unique factors of their case. While we represent you, you can trust that we will explore all available options to overcome your charges, including negotiating for reduced or dismissed charges and fighting for you in court.

Meet With Me Today

The maximum penalty for a DWI conviction in South Dakota includes thousands of dollars in fines, years in the penitentiary and even a license revocation. Whether you are facing your first or sixth DWI charge, let us help you fight it. Call us at 605-450-6182 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.